– Frequently Asked Question by Customers

Is My information safe?

It absolutely is, we only ask for your email address and your name when you comment, but this is just in case we need to contact you about your comment for any number of reasons. If you want to subscribe to our marketing list, we ask for your e-mail, but that’s completely your choice. Once you subscribe, you promise to send you only relevant information and never spam your inbox. You can unsubscribe services any time you want.

Your email address remains strictly confidential, except in cases we need to provide it in order to get you some information which you require.

2. How do you make the payments?
You can make the payment at any point of time through your credit or debit card, E-check and Bitcoins.

3. Do I have to pay anything extra?
No, you only pay what you see and nothing more and we are as transparent as we can be.

4. How confidential is my order?
We protect all steps of your purchase, from browsing to your delivery, and all our products come in sealed pack envelope to offer you 100% privacy.

5. Do you collect cookies?
Yes, we use this to collect information about your visit—like the date, time, pages you visited and the length of each visit. You have a choice to turn off cookies of course, but then you may not have full functionality on your website if you do so.

6. Do you track our IP address?
Our web servers automatically collect this so that we can spend your required information to you and we don’t use this for anything else.

7. Can I order in bulk?
You sure can, just order what you want and proceed to checkout.

8. How do I know that the order has been successfully placed?
Just wait for an email from us after ordering.

9. Do I have to worry about any side effects to my body?
Actually no, generic viagra is absolutely safe, and at most, you might feel a little bit of dizziness, nausea or mild fever. If you experience any redness in your eye though, it is important to consult a doctor.

10. Do I need any prescription?
No, all the drugs we offer are prescription free. However, should you feel the need, you can always consult a doctor or a medical professional to know what's the right dosage for you.

11. Why should you buy from us?
You can browse through all our products, and buy without hesitation. Plus, you are sure to love our unmatched and unbeatable offers and deals.

If at any time, we make changes to our privacy policy, we will inform all users on our mailing list.