– About us Information is a safe, secure and trusted web based online pharmacy. At, you can only buy generic drugs used for the treatment of various health problems like erectile dysfunction, hair loss, chronic pain, Glaucoma and sleeping disorders. We specially deals in the quality generic medications like Generic Viagra, kamagra, Super p force, Modafinil, Lovegra, Tapentadol and Bimatoprost. Since 2010, folkgeneric pharmacy is providing their services and having millions of clients in the worldwide. The primary aim of the organization is customer’s satisfaction and we make sure that customers always get quality and genuine medications at affordable price. It is harder to maintain a strong relationship with your customers for many years but we did it.

Why only deals in Generic medications?
First thing, Generic medications have similar results like their brands and always required prescription from a recognized doctor. Second thing, Generic drugs are also tested and certified by the FDA and after that these medications are available on the stores or online pharmacy. The drugs sold by the are genuine and holds same quality like their brands. We are not manufacturing generic drugs but having tie-up with best pharmaceuticals companies in the worldwide. This is the primary reason behind the low cost of Generic medications offered by folkgeneric pharmacy.

Reasons to Buy Generic Drugs from
There are millions of online pharmacies in the internet world and their main goal is to make profit. The goal of this organization is also the same but we never compromise with the quality. is always deals in the superior quality of generic drugs. Our generic drugs hold same ingredients and chemical composition like their original brand. Apart from that, we are providing door to door services around the world. Our refund policies are customers friendly and always provide full refund incase of delivery issue, wrong products and physical damage of drugs. If you are facing any kind of problem related to the shipping, just click on live chat help. We will try our best to identify the issue and resolve as soon as possible.

Why to Choose folkgeneric Pharmacy?
Secure, Safe and Trusted Pharmacy (SSL Security and Secure Payment gateway)
Working 24*7 hours (No holidays)
Affordable price of generic (Price match guarantee)
Professional Support (Live help and Toll free number)
Superior Quality (Only provide generic drugs approved by FDA)
On time Delivery (No delay at any cost)
Customer’s Privacy (Never reveal identity of customer)